Another Friendship Bites The Dust

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Cherry Berry
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Re: Another Friendship Bites The Dust

Post by mel79 »

I am so sorry you have lost your friendship, the lack of personal time due to technology now is so common.
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Cherry Picker
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Re: Another Friendship Bites The Dust

Post by meljustcole »

Funny you mention social media as a downfall of communication! I just recently deleted my account!! I was really addicted to the site and it was sucking a lot of time away. Not to mention that almost every thought I had was, "Oh, I have to remember to post that on FB!" I joined in order to stay in touch and reconnect with some old friends from high school and family back home....the novelty wore off. It took several years for it to wear off, but it did. People are so sucked in to that site that their daily lives pretty much revolve around it! I do NOT miss it. In fact, it's one of the major reasons I stopped scrapbooking. It took up too much of my time. If I did scrapbook, I'd post the pictures of what I created on there....and really, not many people cared! LOL!!!!!!!! Not like they would on a site like ACOT, anyway! :-D Now, I made sure before I left that certain people knew my contact information and that I knew theirs. And out of those 20 or so people from my 250 friends "friend" list, I have 3 people that I talk to on a daily basis. Now THAT says A LOT!!!!!!!! You know who your true friends are when you leave Facebook!! LOL!!!!
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